First Christmas
We made the trip to Ohio to visit both sets of Grandparents. The kids learned that Christmas is about toys. I don't even remember why people celebrate christmas. It must be like saying, "keep it real" or "kiss my ass" one really knows where it all started.
I'm not bragging but these are the cutest kids ever. I mean, come on, they should get their own calendar.
Stella, reading at a 9 month old level. This book is from Aunt Duda...its about Christmas (aka toys). On each page, every single kid is of a different ethnicity, except Santa is white...and Jewish. weird.
They don't know what to do with this box.
They still have no idea what to do.
Yeh! A caterpillar that teaches about colors. I wonder what toy teaches about sex.
Xavier and his Curious George stuffed animal. It plays a lullaby and the head lights up. We let him sleep with it but then took it away because it lit up the room and woke up his sister.
Who loves Santa? You do little buddy. You do.
I'm not bragging but these are the cutest kids ever. I mean, come on, they should get their own calendar.
Anna's family got Xavier and Stella an orange giraffe and a car thingy. Right after this picture Stella fell off because she wasn't wearing her seat belt. Yes, we should have combed Xavier's hair.
Ha ha, I just told you look like a girl. Where's your red dress?
Many blessing to you all for a Happy and Safe 2009!
Is that an alphabet pal? With a setting to make letter sounds? That provided some good entertainment as we tried combinations like D-I-K and F-U-K. We got D-I-(giggle) and F-U-(giggle). Some overprotective parents must have leaned on the toy manufacturers after they discovered Alphabet pal has a potty-mouth. :0)