Baths are fun until someone pees

Twins are a lot of work but this video shows why we don't return them.


Anonymous said…
I don't think they could be any cuter!
thanks for posting the video - i know its a pain in the rear to put up.
Anonymous said…
lol! awesome cuteness =)
Kelly Hutcheson said…
Why is your water brown? Do I need to report this?
Kelly Hutcheson said…
Thought you'd enjoy this picture!!!! tee hee

PS Time to scrap word verification. PITA!!
anna said…
Kelly, the water looks brown cuz there's a beige towel underneath the babes so their chubby little buns don't get too cold.
Kelly Hutcheson said…
Tell that to the investigator!
Anonymous said…
Okay.. those kiddos are just way too cute. We have to figure out a way to see you guys this summer and get Stella, Xavier, and Dilan together!

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